Call us basic, but we love fall. Especially fall treats! Give us all the maple, apple, pear, pumpkin…we’ll take it all. And we don’t discriminate – we love sweet and savory, food and drink. To kick off the start of fall menus, here are 13 places you can get tasty fall treats!

350 Bakery

fall treats 350 Bakery
Image via: Lauren Roberts

We <3 350, and that includes their seasonal items! Pumpkin muffins, apple pies, maple pumpkin or cranberry orange loaves, maple pecan scones – we’ll take an assortment of everything, please!

A Sweet Morsel

fall treats A Sweet Morsel
Image via: @asweetmorselco, Instagram

A Sweet Morsel has plenty of fall pastries, like pumpkin gobs, tassies, and the cutest decorated sugar cookies. Check out their Instagram to keep track of what they’re currently baking!

Butterwood Bake Consortium

fall treats Butterwood Bake Consortium
Image via: @thebutterwoodbakeconsortium, Instagram

While we’ve been to Butterwood many times, we’ve never tried their pumpkin pie…and we hear we need to. We also love that they have vegan treats, so everyone can get their sweet fix.

Corner Mercantile

fall treats Corner Mercantile
Image via: @cornermercantile, Instagram

On the savory side, Corner Mercantile just released their fall menu, which looks delicious. We’re also hoping they still have their s’more latte and cider by the time we make it in! We can always console ourselves with old favorites if we need to, though.

De Fer Coffee and Tea

fall treats De Fer Coffee and Tea
Image via: @defercoffeeandtea, Instagram

Um, ok, we want to go get these drinks at De Fer because yes, they sound fantastic, but also did you see that pic? The only problem will be deciding which to order first…

DiAnoia’s Eatery

fall treats DiAnoia's
Image via: @dianoiaseatery, Instagram

So the pumpkin gnocchi aren’t back on the menu quite yet, but DiAnoia’s said it was coming on their IG which is basically the equivalent of a pinkie promise. They do have a few of their fall dishes out, like chestnut tagliatelli, and we’ll console ourselves with that in the meantime.

Eliza Hot Metal Bistro

fall treats Eliza
Image via: @elizapgh, Instagram

Eliza hasn’t said what their fall mimosa flavors are, but they had us at “mimosa”. Give us a pretty cocktail, especially if it goes with brunch, and we’re set.


fall treats Leona's
Image via: @leonasllc, Instagram

This is the year we finally try a Leona’s s’mores sandwich! We’ve said that before, but we really mean it this time. Unless they trick us into something equally delicious like their pumpkin caramel on shortbread…

Lincoln Bakery

fall treats Lincoln Bakery
Image via: @mylincolnbakery, Facebook

Apple dumplings, apple pies, and pumpkin pies, yes please! We also can’t believe the amazing Halloween cakes Lincoln Bakery comes up with every year. They’re almost too good to eat…almost 😉


fall treats Millie's
Image via: @millies, Instagram

We don’t know about you, but we can’t get over the mulled wine and pear sorbet at Millie’s. OMG we need it now! Bonus – it’s dairy-free. Also on our must-eat list is the maple bourbon pecan because duh.

Page Dairy Mart

fall treats page dairy mart
Image via: @pagedairymart1959, Instagram

OK, so, technically, Page Dairy Mart’s fall menu ended like, last week. BUT. We wanted to include them on the list so you can get there in time *next year* to try all of their drool-worthy fall soft serves, milkshakes, sundaes, and arctic swirls. It’s definitely not weird to be planning next year’s fall desserts, right? #askingforus


fall treats piebird
Image via: @piebirdpgh, Instagram

We told you all about piebird this summer, but fall is also pie season and we’re a little bit obsessed with them. Come on, who wouldn’t want to eat a piece of plum ginger raspberry or spiced pear walnut streusel pie?!

Sinful Sweets

fall treats Sinful Sweets
Image via: @sinfulsweetspgh, Instagram

Sinful Sweets has us totally drooling over their, well, sinful sweets. Ha! A pumpkin cookie with a caramel crunch donut baked inside and buttercream on top? We don’t know how they think these things up, but as long as they keep baking them, we don’t care.

It’s still early in the fall menu season, so tell us where your favorites are in a comment!

This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.
Lauren Roberts

Lauren loves all things Pittsburgh and all things food! When she's not checking out a new restaurant, you can find her in the kitchen trying a new recipe, working on her photography, or out on a bike ride exploring the city.

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