Pittsburgh is the Next Brooklyn (according to Brooklynites)

Yes, Pittsburgh is the next Brooklyn.

(awkward silence…)

Now, maybe you think that’s a random comparison to make. And if you live in Brooklyn or Pittsburgh, you might be wondering why anyone would make that declaration in the first place. But that’s exactly what Brooklyn native Nicole Davis did when she penned this article for Brooklyn Based. The title is straightforward enough, Could the Next Brooklyn be Pittsburgh?

Well, is it?

Pittsburgh Sunset

Confronted with the fact that Brooklyn had become one the most expensive places to live in America, Davis set out to identify some alternatives. And as the title of her articles suggests, Davis found great promise in the Steel City.

The search for greener pastures picks up in Pittsburgh, where Davis talked to former Brooklynites who now call Pittsburgh home. These relative newcomers shared their thoughts and opinions in a way that, according to Davis, sounds too good to be true.

“If they all sound a little boosterish,” Davis writes, “it’s not a coincidence. Pittsburghers seem to have a hard time finding fault with their city…Nearly everyone I interviewed who has relocated there speaks about Steel City as if they were on the payroll of the city’s tourism board.”

What’s not to love?

And you know what? She’s right. What’s not to love? As Davis and the folks she spoke with point out, there’s a lot going on in the Burgh. Among the ever-growing list of amazing attributes the city has to offer, tech startups, job opportunities, up and coming neighborhoods, a supportive arts community and top-notch restaurants are all highlighted by the Brooklyn writer.

In Pittsburgh, Davis notes, that fantastic lifestyle comes at a fraction of the price of the Big Apple borough she calls home. In fact, you get a LOT more home for the money here.

A few of the transplanted Pittsburgh residents Davis interviewed did rate New York way ahead on mass transit, and they lamented our earlier bedtime compared to “the city that never sleeps.” But even on such simple head-to-head measures as summer, Pittsburgh’s glorious outdoor season tops Brooklyn’s “concrete heat.”

As it turns out the grass is greener on this side of the fence!

This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.

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