The world of arts and culture within the city of Pittsburgh has become a growing fascination not only within our hometown, but as well as being acknowledged my major cities around the county, and even the world.
Instagram, @pgh.creative (@citylifeadventures) Instagram, @pgh.creative (@dropthetorch, @ben10n) Instagram, @pgh.creative (scoobuhhsteve, @ben10n) Instagram, @pgh.creative (lucas_portee, @ben10n) Instagram, @pgh.creative (barrowmanphotography)
In order to help elevate more of a cultural beat within the city, a team of photographers helped to establish PGH Creative, to “implement a desire to further develop and unite the creative community we saw evolving through social media”, stated by photographer Patrick Hogan.
The hub that is PGH Creative founded it roots when the team noticed there was a designated group of people cultivating the cultural moments within the city, especially due to the rise in social media noting many happenings daily within the city.
Many of the founding members of the group have a fantastical background within the realms of photography and video, but that isn’t all that is a focal point for the company. “We have a ton of connects in our group and in the city to get any job done. Let it be photography, video, writing, and creativity” exclaims Hogan.
When it comes to hosting events, for those tech-savvy, PGH Creative refers to them as “photowalks” (or “Insta-Meets, known within the Instagram community.), which are free to those with beginner or advanced photography knowledge, or anyone hoping to break into the world of creatives.
“Our biggest photowalk was in Lawrenceville about a year and a half ago. We had over 100 people come out” expressed Hogan. And that’s not all – networking events are a major portion for the brand as well, hoping to creative a real-life LinkedIn experience by connecting those that have the opportunity to help each other achieve their goals.
From their humble beginnings of photographing the sights and scenes of the city, Hogan is optimistic that for the future of PGH Creative will require “developing the brand as more of a business- we are helping bridge the gap between creative services and local (even regional or national) businesses.” And who knows – they just might become the creative agency in town.