You’ve probably “herd” of them even though you don’t know their names (and let me tell you, they’ve got fun ones like Ozark, Kuma, Wimpy, and Butter Bailey). Who are they? They are the famous goats at Allegheny GoatScape — you know, those chill, eco-friendly goats who spend their Spring and Summer days clearing off steep Pittsburgh hillsides of unwanted vegetation. These goats tackle the issue head-on –well, mouth-on is more like it.
Spring is right around the corner and with it these green-living, hipster-styled goats will be munching on weeds to their heart and stomach’s content, but during the ebb-and-snow of winter it really gets our goat that this GoatScape herd can’t escape the challenges of a dreary Pittsburgh winter. These gray days are a challenge to these four-legged friends and so the Allegheny GoatScape folks have a fundraiser which ends February 28. …If you want to give to a “goat cause” here’s where to donate.
We know that soon the grass will be greener on the other side of winter and these goats (and donkeys!) will get back to doing what they do best — clearing vacant lots, impassable cliffs, and perhaps even your own yard? But one thing that most surprised us and that you’ve goat to know about these grass-loving gurus is that during winter they don’t just head off to some rural Pennsylvania farm and lounge in a daze as they graze the gray days away — rather, for goat-or-baaad they stay with Allegheny GoatScape founder and executive director Gavin Deming along with his wife and kids in their North Side home. You read that right: In the heart of the North Side there’s a family of goats living with a family of people (in that house “Did you pick up the kids?” has two meanings!).
Be sure to look for the adorable faces of Oreo, Pep, Angel Face, and others as you venture the ‘Burgh this year — and when you see a vacant lot just think of the goat things it has in store!