You take photos with your phone, right? Use Instagram? Love Pittsburgh? Of course you do.

Well then, we have a challenge that’s right in your wheelhouse. It’s the #NotSoSmallChange Photo Challenge. Here’s how it works: Hidden in the neighborhoods we all know and love are buildings and abandoned property that could use a little (or a lot of) TLC. Using your phone, a photo and Instagram post, you can change all of that.

not small change

To enter, all you need to do is snap a photo and upload it to Instagram using the hashtag, #NotSoSmallChange – don’t forget to mention the location. Finally, be sure to include a description of how you’d reimagine the space, get creative!

You’re looking for hidden gems that when shined up serve the Pgh community, instead of simply taking up space. For instance, that empty lot and dilapidated structure you pass everyday on your way to work would make for a great #NotSoSmallChange submission.

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Yep, it’s that easy. And just in case you still have questions, we teamed up with the folks at SmallChange and Fygment for a fun filled event and information session at the Hardware Store.

So, do yourself a favor and check out the details here, then stop by Sunday July 19 to learn more about the judging criteria, prizes and impact associated with this challenge.


This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.
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