In our “Best of PGH Instagram” series we highlight Pittsburgh-based Instagram accounts that feature our steel city and make us feel extra Pittsburgh proud. 

Yinz gotta know Pittsburgh Dad by now. He’s a Picksburgh sensation who takes us all the way back to our chile-hoods and highlights e’rything about ‘is tahn ‘at we love. With many posts abaht da Stillers and general city shenanigans it’s a perfect account to follow to stay up on the best of Pittsburgh news n’at.

Follow him on Instagram @pittsburghdad and on YouTube.

This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.
Mo Macel

Mo is a pun-loving Pittsburgher who likes to take photos and write. When not focusing on her kiddos, you'll find her pursuing happiness and working on living the American Dream via one craft beer at a time. She blogs at and

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