Times are weird and getting weirder by the day. You probably didn’t have plans to become good friends with your cleaning supplies and canned goods, but in this age of social distancing it’s quickly becoming our new normal.
All our in-person plans may be cancelled, but we can still stay connected and active. Here are several ways to avoid that feeling of cabin fever.

Virtual Workouts. Many local and national gyms are offering online workouts via live streams. Some you pay for, others are free. No more excuses to not get to the gym when it has finally come to you.
Virtual Tours. While physical museums, zoos, and aquariums are closed many are offering free virtual tours. Cure that cabin fever by “getting out of the house” for a while to take in some culture. Take some time off and tour the world. How many can you visit?
Order Take Out. Many restaurants have morphed their operations into ‘curbside pickup’ affairs or are still offering delivery. If you just can’t take the pantry offerings any more change then things up for one night and find somewhere to get your next meal fix.
Be Social on Social Media. Artists are doing performances on Facebook Live and Instagram Live. Just Google it to find out when your favorites are performing and “tune in”. You’ll be alone together.
Talk. Have a Conversation – like, with your mouth. Step away from the online world of comments and make some with your own face. FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts, Snapchat, and House Party are great COVID-19-restriction-friendly options where you can visually see your friends too. You have to be physically distant, but that doesn’t mean you have to be emotionally distant too. Call a friend today!
Redd up. Not glamorous, but practical. Though perhaps think of items to clean which don’t need disinfected so you can save those supplies for what/when it matters. Think of: Bedrooms, Basements, common living space. Everything already clean? Organize something! Think of: Bathrooms, Closets, Basements, Entry Ways, Pantry.
Go outside. If going on a walk or a hike isn’t gonna work just sit on your steps or the porch and enjoy the fresh air (and if you’re lucky you’ll also get some sun).
Try something new. Is there something you want to do but never get to because you “don’t have the time”? Now’s looking like a pretty good time. Try out that recipe you’ve always been wanting to try. Pick up a new skill or hobby. Online resources, like Coursera and Duolingo, make learning something new as easy as pie.
Read a Book. Dust off one from your own shelves or check out a virtual one from your local library. Download one to read, stream an audio book, or even read a virtual magazine.
Nap. Naps are delightful. Spring hibernation is sounding like a really good option right now. Guess we’ll see you in a few months!
Cats. If all else fails you have our permission to sit on the couch and watch cat videos.
Whatever you choose to do be sure you STAY SAFE. Keep up to date on the latest rules, guidelines, and recommendations. And don’t forget to wash your hands.