Last year Uber announced plans to open an Advanced Technologies Center (ATC) in Pittsburgh. This move included a partnership with Carnegie Mellon University that has made Pittsburgh the headquarters for Uber’s autonomous vehicle research operations.

So just to make sure you’re following, Uber – the taxi-on-demand service valued at over $60 billion – is building driverless cars in Pittsburgh. And now, Uber’s footprint in PIttsburgh is about to expand in a big way.

image via Uber
image via Uber

In a blog post on Uber’s website, the company announced plans for the construction of an additional ATC research facility, test roads, and green space at the Almono Development in the Hazelwood neighborhood of Pittsburgh. The plan we see the former site of LTV Coke Works transformed into a test track and research center for self-driving technology and autonomous vehicles.

From Steel City to self-driving cars. It’s just one part of Pittsburgh’s resurgence that has lead tech companies like Apple, Intel, Facebook, IBM, Uber, and Google to set up shop here.

[join]Have you seen Uber’s driverless car around town. What do you think of this news? Let us know with a comment here.[button text=”Click Here to Leave a Comment” link=”″ target=”blank” width=”full” color=”black” size=”small”][/join] This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.

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