If you’re a maker, founder, tinkerer, or hacker working on a game changing company or product, you’re going to want to pay close attention here. The team behind #SpkPgh wants to help make your product or brand a household name.

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve spent an untold amount of time building a concept or company. Now you’re ready for the big time. Bring on the adoring customers, fanboys, and positive press from Pittsburgh to Silicon Valley. Congratulations! You. Have. Arrived.

There’s only one problem. No one has ever heard of your company. Exactly zero people have downloaded your app. And none of the writers you’ve reached out to have returned your emails. What gives?

Quit Your Pitchin’!

SpkPGH Pittsburgh

Before you scrap your startup and head back to the drawing board, consider this; your product might not be the problem, gang. It’s your pitch that needs some work.

The right pitch could be the key to unlocking the press or investors capable of taking you from zero to hero. So if your pitch needs some work, you need to sign up for this SpkPgh event.

Join members of the national and local press, including TechCrunch editor John Biggs and WTAE’s Sally Wiggin, for Quit Your Pitchin’! This expert panel will share their secrets sure to help a startup get noticed, like how to pitch via email.

Want (a chance) to pitch?

Get this! If you’re a founder with a product or company to share, you could be selected to pitch live during this event. Three founders will be selected. The best way to get noticed is to start pitching your company now by tweeting out your pitch AND using #SpkPgh.

No, this isn’t a pitch competition. So, no pressure. It’s an opportunity to learn what works, what doesn’t, and maybe even test your company’s current pitch live.

Need some pitch prep?

If you desperately want to pitch, but are worried about not being prepared, we’re way ahead of you.

Made in Pgh has teamed up with the UnstuckPgh meetup to sponsor a free coffee and pitch prep session on Monday January 25. You arrive at 7:55AM with your raw notes and leave with the right ingredients for a most excellent pitch.

Fun fact! By attending and showing off your business, you’ll improve your chances of being selected to pitch live at Quit Your Pitchin’! So, we’ll see you there. Right?

[join title=”Event Details”]What: Fygment Productions presents ‘Quit Your Pitchin’!
When: Thursday, January 28, 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Where: Kelly Strayhorn Theater
[button text=”Snag your free ticket” link=”http://www.eventbrite.com/e/spkpgh-quit-your-pitchin-tickets-20530417030″ target=”blank” width=”full” color=”black” size=”Medium”][/join] This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.
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