We absolutely love local creators and innovators.  When a company or brand is passionate about their work and what they produce, it shows.  This is why we were dying to get to know a little bit more about Ispirare Coffee and the Roasters behind it all, Amber and Mike.  Their passion, drive and love for roasting coffee has truly inspired us.  We cannot wait till we are sipping on another cup of their one of a kind brews.

What makes you both so passionate about coffee?

We have always enjoyed coffee, and ever since we’ve met, we would visit local coffee shops. We enjoy the nuances of great coffee, and appreciate that so many of life’s moments happen over coffee. We say coffee has two superpowers it comforts the soul and invigorates the mind. We’re passionate about sharing great coffees, and we’re passionate about giving-back. We also have twin one year olds, so on many days coffee not only a passion but a necessity.

What part of the world do you source your beans from?

We use Fair Trade beans from around the world, South America, Southeast Asia, and Africa.

Where does the name Ispirare come from?

Ispirare is Italian for “Inspire” – Our company has a very clear mission to inspire through coffee, and use our resources to make a positive impact.

What kind of coffees do you roast?

We focus on creating smooth and complex coffees. We currently only create coffee blends, mainly because our core customers are restaurants, bakeries, and coffee lovers, therefore we need to deliver coffees and are consistent and appeal to the virtually all coffee drinkers. We’ve put a tremendous amount of time and research into developing our coffee blends. What we do with our coffee blends is more of an art and its extra special to see people drinking a coffee that we created and is completely unique.

What is your most popular blend?

The Inspire Blend is our most popular, but our Allegheny Blend, has become really trendy especially for cold-brew.

Where are some places we can find your coffee in Pittsburgh?

In Pittsburgh – Heirloom Superfood Market (Strip), Fort Pitt Coffee (Downtown), Labriola’s in Aspinwall, Madeleine’s Bistro Bakery in Regent Square. We also do a variety of pop-ups and events around the city.

Do you plan on opening an Ispirare Coffee store front? If not, why?

No, one of the things that makes us unique is our ability to work with the people who sell our coffee. Our near term goal is to partner with an independent coffee house to really bring unique coffees and something special to Pittsburgh. Since we don’t have to worry about rent, payroll, and a variety of other non-coffee factors that gives us flexibility and focus on creating amazing coffees.

What sets you apart from others roasters?

Everything – First off we have a completely different business model, one that puts coffee and people ahead of profits. Secondly we’re very selective with who we work with, we have turned down 5 times our current business, because we don’t want to sell cheaper coffees, or we don’t work with places who don’t care for the coffee. Our whole approach to coffee is very simple, very pure, very fresh. Somewhere along the line coffee got fancy, fancy flavors, fancy equipment, etc, we’ve just taken it back to the basics. A woman runs the company, we help promote other roasters, we just do things differently.

How do you enjoy your coffee?

Black, and to be honest one of our favorite compliments is when people come up to us and say “I always put sugar or cream in my coffee, but with your coffee I just drink it black.”

We are well aware that after reading all what Amber and Mike have to say about Ispirare, you’ll want nothing more than a big cup of Ispirare coffee. Be sure to check out one of the many places who carries their one of a kind blends.  Enjoy!

Learn more about Ispirare Coffee here!


This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.
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