There are plenty of Pittsburghers who’ve never actually been to Troy Hill, but this under-the-radar cafe might change that.

The spot we’re referring to is Pear and the Pickle. Imagine a bustling, old-school corner store that’s part cafe and part market. A place where it feels like practically every member of the community passes through the doors at some point during the day. That’s what it’s like at Pear and the Pickle.

Expect coffee, breakfast or lunch sandwiches, and fresh baked goods in the cafe, to go along with the market essentials, like fresh produce, eggs, milk, and prepared foods. Did we mention the coffee is from Stumptown? And the eats are made from scratch? It’s a winning combination one-upped by the beautiful interior and welcoming vibe that makes you want to hang out all day.

It’s so good that we’d walk up Rialto Street to get there if we had to. Thankfully, we don’t have to, so we drive. But no matter how you get there, you need to check out Pear and the Pickle for yourself.

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Photos by Courtney Powell for Made in PGH

This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.
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