Opening Sunday, September 17th at 415 Cinema Drive in SouthSide Works is Pennsylvania’s second (and Pittsburgh’s first) location of the Kura Revolving Sushi Bar experience. With over 140 menu offerings, there’s something on the menu for everyone.

About Kura Sushi
Kura Sushi serves up authentic Japanese cuisine made with high-quality ingredients, natural and free of artificial sweeteners, seasonings, preservatives, and colorings.
But “served” isn’t exactly the right word. Kura Sushi is an eatertainment dining experience where a conveyor belt system carries plates of sushi straight to your table!

Kura Sushi’s Revolving Sushi Bar
A “revolving sushi bar” means just that. The sushi literally revolves around you and travels on a conveyor belt through the dining area.
While it travels, a patented Mr. Fresh ventilated sushi lid limits airborne exposure, ensuring food is always fresh and delicious. As a dish passes by, just decide whether or not you want it. If you do, just select it and it’s yours!

Order Express Belt Sushi
There is also an “express belt” sushi highway above the primary belt (which, fyi, is much better than Pittsburgh’s Belt system) that lets you receive your favorite plates without having to wait for them to come traveling by.
Just place an order on your table’s touch panel tablet, and the food will be directly delivered to you from the kitchen.

But it’s not only sushi. Kura Sushi’s engaging experience also includes prizes! Just insert your empty plates into your table’s plate disposal slot, and the Bikkura Bon Prize System will award you with an animation every 5 plates, as well as a prize dispensed from the prize machine every 15 plates. Prizes vary, including lanyards, chopsticks, badge reels, keycaps, acrylic chains, and more.
Robots Deliver Your Drinks!
Of course, let’s not forget about the drink delivery robots who will also be serving your selected bevs!

Between the conveyor belts of sushi, prizes, and drink robots, it’s clear that stepping into Kura Sushi is like taking a trip to Japan by only having to go as far as the SouthSide Works.
Visit Kura Revolving Sushi Bar to learn more!
This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.