On Saturday, September 14 from 10am until 5pm get your urban farming vibe on with the Pittsburgh Urban Farm Tour. East End Food Co-Op, Pittsburgh Food Policy Council, and PASA Sustainable Farmers are offering their 3rd annual self-guided tour of small commercial farms, community gardens, and apiaries throughout Pittsburgh.  

Looking for a close encounter of an agricultural kind? The tour includes chickens and mini-goats! 

Looking for fresh produce? Buy it from their farm stands. 

Want learn what an urban community apiary is? Come along! 

Looking for a visual slice of nature? Tour gardens built on vacant city lots and baseball fields. 

The tour includes 11 urban farm and community garden destinations which are having a positively tasty and inspiring impact on Pittsburgh. It’s gonna be a beautiful day to discover our great city’s farmer-in-the-city side.  

2019 Urban Farm Tour Sites:

  • African Healing Garden
  • Ballfield Farm
  • Braddock Farms
  • BUGS Homewood Historical Community Farm
  • Burgh Bees Apiary
  • Community Garden of Wilkins Township
  • Duquesne Community Victory Garden
  • Homeplate Garden
  • Manchester Growing Together Farm
  • Sankofa Village Community Garden
  • Shiloh Farm

Admission is $15; kids age 12 and younger are free. All proceeds support local urban agriculture projects.

Tickets available here

This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.
Mo Macel

Mo is a pun-loving Pittsburgher who likes to take photos and write. When not focusing on her kiddos, you'll find her pursuing happiness and working on living the American Dream via one craft beer at a time. She blogs at givegodyouryes.com and fullhipster.com.

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