Women’s History Month is winding down—and if you’re searching to attend a unique and fun event look no further. The 8th annual LUPEC Art Show, which is an all woman, all local gallery show, takes place on March 23 at Monk’s on Penn Avenue.

Originated in 2001, LUPEC (Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails) combines feminism and cocktail preservation during monthly events. There’s a cool concept behind each meeting: every monthly gathering features a new cocktail that was made back in the day, but hasn’t been around for a while. You’ve probably never heard of the drink, but LUPEC is bringing it out of extinction! You know there’s going to be some great cocktails after reading LUPEC’S mission statement on their Facebook page, which reads, “LUPEC works tirelessly to breed, raise, and release cocktails that are endangered or even believed to be extinct.”
It’s the perfect way to celebrate the past and embrace the future, because the drink is going to be a lost classic, and most likely heavy on the alcohol. You can also enjoy the drink while having conversations about interesting facts in women’s history, all the while checking out some incredible artwork by local artists.

There are chapters throughout the country, with Pittsburgh reaching an impressive 800 members. Some of the LUPEC goals listed on their facebook page include: “to create a secular coven-like atmosphere in which classy broads of today can invoke and honor the spirits of their forebroads, continue the 150 year American tradition of dangerous women calling themselves Ladies and getting together in groups, and to protect the collective Joie de Vivre of LUPEC members by assuring them at least one good party a month.”
Learn about history, drink delicious cocktails, and support local artists. All proceeds go directly to the artist during the show. Also, admission and parking is free. Yeah, you can’t beat that either!