Integrative medicine, a whole-person approach to medical care which treats the person and not just the disease, is an alternative to traditional doctors. Don’t be confused; it isn’t alternative medicine. It is science-based care that utilizes evidence-based treatments to treat a person’s mind, body, and spirit.
At The Hormone Center the focus is on the patient and on forming a partnership between the patient and the doctor. If you’ve ever visited a traditional doctor (think your PCP) and have walked away feeling like you haven’t been listened to then you may want to explore an integrative approach.

Listening is exactly what the doctors at The Hormone Center do. The initial appointment is based off of a questionnaire that you complete in advance which is then discussed with your medical provider. For one hour you and your medical provider discuss you. That’s right; you are listened to for one whole hour. You aren’t allotted 15 minutes. You aren’t handed a prescription and rushed out the door. At The Hormone Center you engage in a conversation and are treated like an individual who has individual needs. You then leave with a plan tailored to your specific needs along with plans for a half-hour long follow-up appointment.
Things like fatigue, weight gain, increased cholesterol, muscle weakness, and joint pain may start to crop up as you age, but you shouldn’t accept a diagnosis of “You’re fine. You’re just getting older.” Don’t accept “fine” if you don’t feel “fine”.
You might have a test result that’s in the “normal range” and think that there’s nothing to do. But the doctors at The Hormone Center want you to know that “normal” doesn’t equate to “optimal”. If you work with The Hormone Center they will focus on a treatment plan that is optimal to your specific needs.
“It is extremely rewarding to help someone feel like themselves again. My best days are when a patient says, “Thank you for giving me my life back.”
Dr. Lauren Loya, M.D., Medical Director of The Hormone Center
Conditions like an underactive thyroid, adrenal fatigue, and PCOS –anything where a hormonal imbalance may explain the symptoms you are experiencing– are areas that The Hormone Center focuses on. After talking with you they will identify what testing is needed then work with you to use natural, effective, less-invasive interventions whenever possible.
Traditional medicine focuses on “sick care”; healthcare to tackle an acute issue that you have. Integrative medicine doesn’t just treat symptoms and it doesn’t just wait for you to be sick; it’s healthcare that aims to improve your life and keep you healthy.

The Hormone Center is available to anyone and everyone who wants to take a more hands-on approach to their healthcare while also being treated like a unique individual. You will be listened to and they will work with you to get to what is really at the root of your problems. And while they don’t accept insurance (though they do accept care credit), you will get meaningful, responsive, and action-oriented care which means your money will be money very well spent.
There is no risk to fill out their new patient questionnaire (except for risking not living your best life). You can share your medical history, current medications, and hormone symptoms you are experiencing. Once the form is submitted it will be reviewed then you will be called. If they don’t think they can help you you will be told that upfront, before scheduling an appointment. But if they can help you then they will work with you to get you the care you need.
Get the healthcare you deserve and start living your best life by getting hormonal balancing help from The Hormone Center. To learn more visit them online at
This content was provided by a local, independent contributor to Made in PGH, a lifestyle blog.